Tag Archives: save-the-dates

This is Real

So…. I’m getting married. This is an actual thing, you guys. I’m planning a wedding, a real one, with real flowers, and cake and my grandmothers wedding dress hanging on the wall. This is an actual thing that is actually happening. And suddenly, finally, six months in, it’s finally starting to sink in; I’m marrying the man of my dreams.

I know what you’re thinking. “Farkas you’ve been engaged for like six months now, we’ve known since August you were getting married, what’s the big deal?”

Well I’ll tell you what the big deal is. I’ve sent out most of my save-the-dates. My brides maids have started ordering dresses. My soon-to-be sister-in-law just got her converse for the wedding. Yes, we’re wearing converse and it’s going to be awesome! My favorite director and good friend is making me a reception dress for which I have the pattern and we’re going to get fabric for over spring break. We have a venue that’s going to let us bring in mead for a traditional Irish toast. I have ushers and readers and we’re starting premarital counselling sometime this month. I ordered the book for it and everything. We met with the lady who is going to bake our cake and I will someday, hopefully soon, manage a meeting with my florist, provided we find a time that actually works out as planned (sorry about that Julie).

But on top of all that, the thing that has really actually made this whole thing feel real, is the registry. That’s right, I actually have one of those now. Sure we sort of started one when school first started. We looked at some stuff online and even picked some things we wanted. But it wasn’t real, then. I have to be able to see things a lot of times before I can decided what I want. I like having my options spread out around me so I can look and feel and touch and trying to shop online for things I couldn’t feel was super stressing me out. So we waited and waited and waited for a time when we had enough time to go up to the mall and actually look at stuff. I will admit, I also kind of wanted to go to the store so I could use the fun little scanny gun you see in the movies when people are doing registry stuff.

We didn’t get to use the fun little scanny gun. BUT we did get to use a neat iphone. It took us a while to actually get it to work, but that’s what we get for not remembering our password. 😛 Okay, that’s what I get for deviating from the original password. Anyway, once we actually got signed into the registry and started on our registry scanning adventure things went quite a bit smoother. c: We scanned towels and pillows and all the kitchen things and it was a jolly good time. We didn’t manage to get to our second store, but we did make a lot of progress in the two or so hours we spent wandering the upper floor of JCPenny. It was a good time.

It’s really strange how suddenly it’s all starting to come together. For months after we got engaged it was like nothing had really changed. Sure there was some super stress over finding the venue and we did go and look at the church where we’ll be getting married and they approved our application to use the space and that was all well and good and exciting, but then I went back to school and planning took a back seat while I army crawled through all the ridiculous writing assignments with the play on my back. Even over winter break when I got a few weddingy things done, ordering save-the-dates and escort card ideas and what not, it was still less real than it is now. We just picked a whole bunch of stuff to fill our apartment. People have postcards with our faces on them hanging on their walls so they don’t forget that our wedding is July 12th. If this were an episode of Pokemon Ash would have his hat on backwards. We’re getting married in five months. There’s nothing for it now except to wait for the “OH CRAP” panic mode to set in.

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Posted by on February 4, 2014 in Rants


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