Tag Archives: rant

Shows That Please Me – Intro

So I’ve been thinking of another blog series I could do. I know I never finished the doctor who  series and I really should get back to that, but I have something else I want to do too and hopefully I’ll be able to do keep up with it for a while. I’ve been watching more TV shows lately, though I really shouldn’t considering my work load. There are several shows, both old and new, that I really enjoy and I wanted to share them with you. However, I didn’t want to put them into a top five list. I can’t possibly choose one that I like more than another and there are more than five but less than ten so that wouldn’t really work anyway. So I’m going to try to do a rant on at least one show a week, if I’m lucky. I think these will lean more towards rant than review seeing as my free time is very limited but I’ll do my best. They’ll be in no particular order and the series may pop up now and again if I find a new show I like. So we’ll see how this goes starting with Bones, I think, probably next week. See you guys then!

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Posted by on February 2, 2012 in STPM, Updates


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Life as a Pack Mule

If there is one thing I am known for at any school that I have attended it is for having a lot of stuff. Since the beginning of high school I’ve had this compulsion I suppose you might say, to carry stuff with me. Why? Not sure, but it is completely necessary I assure you. Because of this compulsion I have been dubbed several times as a pack mule. Not a very flattering comparison but an accurate one, it would seem.

It started freshmen year. I didn’t carry a purse back then as I do now but I had a school bag and a computer bag. Why two bags, you might ask? Well all of my books would not fit into own. How many books did I have, you might ask? One… and a half… One text book and a bible… and a note book. So I guess that’s two… and a half? I’m not sure how to classify them since the bible was significantly smaller than the science book I had to carry about. Well, didn’t have to, just did. >.> It’s a long story. The point is my computer wouldn’t fit into my book bag, though it was supposed to so I used one bag for books and the other for my computer and carried them about crossed over my chest either way. This was the first time I was told I looked like a pack mule by my friend Emma.

So you’d think it would get better after I gave up the laptop, right? Well, no. It didn’t. Sophomore year I began to carry a bag around with me for random crap. I didn’t need it, really. I didn’t have to carry books with me, just a note book and a binder for each class. That only takes one bag. But then I decided that I needed a bag to carry whatever book I was reading and the journal I was writing in at the time. So I started carrying a small hand bag that quickly fell apart and was held together with duck tape. >.> Then I got a new bag to put over my shoulder, a bigger bag, allowing for more stuff that I probably didn’t need… I started carrying a sketch pad to practice drawing in; that was three books, a pen, a pencil, and some hand lotion for the winter. And whatever random papers I threw in there. Over the years the wide shoulder bag became a more slender bag with a longer strap but the contents is pretty much the same to this day. Off the top of my head I have the sketch book, a steampunk novel, the journal, a notebook for one story only, at least two bulletins from Chapel, three pens at least, a pencil, coupons from JC Penny’s left over from Christmas, hand lotion, a camera, a lipstick case I use for a mirror, stray tissues (unused), a change purse filled with dice, and probably a dozen other things I can’t recall. I need to clean it out. >.<

Going to community college in pack mule mode wasn’t quite as weird. Everyone had to take all their books with them and thus either carried their books or had a big bag like me. Not all of them had two bags but it wasn’t as uncommon. Going to Geneva, however, the pack mule thing kind of sticks out, especially last semester when I had to take my laptop around with me. Unlike most people who could grab what they need for one class, go to class and then go back to their dorm for whatever they needed for the next class and or set of classes, I had to take all of my stuff with me. And while I could go out to my car and switch things out that really only goes so far. So once more I have accepted my role as a pack mule. This semester I could probably get away with carrying a smaller bag if I had one, but I’d still need two bags as I don’t see any way to wean myself off of the ‘purse’ full of stuff. I’ve thought about just carrying my books but then I have to carry my note book too, and my folders, and then where would I put my random other crap that I keep in my bag but don’t really need and has been in there since Junior year? Meh, I’ll figure something out. For now I’ll just be a pack mule and juggle my crap load of stuff as always. 

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Posted by on January 23, 2012 in Rants


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